Boat Safety Scheme – Most Common Failures 2020-22

Examiners’ reports indicate a total of over 85,000 BSS non-compliances recorded between April 1 2020 and September 30 2022. The top 5 Checks below accounted for over a quarter of those and comprise of:


8.9.1A Is the vessel provided with adequate fixed ventilation?  9665 fails

3.1.2R Are batteries secure against excessive movement in any direction?  4003 fails

6.4.1R If the vessel has one or more accommodation space(s), are the correct number of carbon monoxide alarms provided?  3837 fails

7.12.2R Is the LPG system free of leaks as defined in the tightness test?  3246 fails

6.1.1R Are the correct number of portable fire extinguishers provided, and do they have the correct fire ratings?  3056 fails


It can be seen from the above lists that the vast majority of these fails could have been avoided with simple work by the boat owner. It is beyond me to understand why owners would not do this. In fact they are for your safety so do not wait for your examination failure but do it NOW.

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