During 2021 the scheme Technical Committee carried out a full review of the Examiners Check Procedures.
Whilst there are several hundred changes, other than one new requirements for certain Wilderness boats and one check re-aligned with an equivalent requirement from the 2002 BS requirements, both to be consulted upon, there are no increased BSS Requirements affecting boat owners. There are several slight relaxations of requirements, or additional means of compliance. There are however a considerable number of significant editorial changes, It is believed the added clarity concerning the application of the Checks would add consistency, where previously there may have been inconsistency.
Boaters should note however there may be an adverse effect at their next examination, The BSS Office view is that improved consistency in the application of the published Checks is the key aim of the revision and we accept that this potentially could lead to a situation whereby an item fails at the next BSS Examination that should not have passed at the previous one. Conversely, it could well address the errant practice of any Examiner who may be over-applying the published BSS Requirements, perhaps due to a perceived lack of clarity.
The latest version of BSS Examination Checking Procedures (For private boats) can be found by following this link:
Please copy the link and paste in to your browser.
Ray Rogers