The Boating Association Rules and Constitution – Revised 08/05/2014
1.0 Name, Objectives and Burgee
1.1 The name of the Association is The Boating Association (TBA)
1.2 The objectives of the Association are:
1.2.1 to promote co-operation and comradeship between all river users and all associated waterways.
1.2. to inform boaters especially regarding safety
1.3 The Association’s Burgee is triangular in shape, white background with a wavy blue line running horizontally through the centre and bearing three red castles enclosed in a red-bordered shield.
2.0 Membership
2.1 Membership is open to all who subscribe to the Association’s objectives.
2.2 There are 6 classes of Membership as follows:
2.2.1 Ordinary Membership is available to anyone with an interest in Rivers and/or associated waterways,
2.2.2 Affiliated Membership is available to any established club and similar organisation with an interest in the Rivers and/or associated waterways,
2.2.3 Honorary Membership may be granted by the Committee to any individual, club or other organisation when, in the Committee’s view, this would benefit or honour the Association,
2.2.4 Life Membership requires a nomination by the Committee and may be granted to an individual who has given outstanding service to the Association.
2.2.5 Corporate Membership is open to any business involved in providing goods and services to the boating community, and/or to the boating industry, and/or to the general waterside community.
2.3 Applications for Ordinary, Affiliated and Corporate Membership are made by accessing the association’s web site and following the guide,
3.0 Refusal of and termination of Membership
3.1 A Member may resign at any time,
3.2 The Committee may require any Member to appear before them at a meeting called for the purpose of hearing the Member’s explanation of his/her conduct. If the Committee, on hearing the explanation (or if no explanation is given), believe the Member to have acted in a way prejudicial to the Association’s interests then the Member’s Membership of the Association will be suspended until the next Annual General Meeting. The suspended Member is entitled to attend that Annual General Meeting and to appeal against the termination of his/her Membership. The decision will then be taken, by ballot of all Members present (excluding the suspended Member), to either lift the suspension or to terminate the Membership.
3.3 The Committee may refuse any application/nomination for Membership if a majority of Committee Members believes this to be in the best interest of the Association. This refusal may be lifted if the person concerned attends the next Annual General Meeting and appeals against the refusal of his/her application for Membership. The decision will then be taken, by ballot of all Members present, to either lift or confirm the refusal.
4.0 The Association’s Officers and their Duties are:
4.1 Chairman To lead and guide the Association and Officers as Chief Executive.
4.2 Treasurer To maintain the Association’s financial books and records so as to show the Association’s true financial position and to produce these at any time upon request by the Committee or by the auditor(s); to issue demands for, receive, record and bank in the Association’s authorised bank accounts all monies due to the Association; to open and operate one or more authorised bank accounts (an authorised bank account is one approved by Committee and which permits withdrawals and cheque payments only if authorised by the signatures of 2 out of 3 Committee Members); to pay and record all accounts approved by Committee.
4.3 BSS Officer To co-ordinate and manage the Association’s advisory role in all Boat Safety Scheme matters; to represent the Association in all BSS matters; to advise Members on all BSS matters.
4.4 Merchandising Officer To hold stocks of the Association’s merchandising items, to post merchandising items ordered and to advise the Treasurer of the costs,
4.5 Media Officer To set-up, update and maintain the Association’s website and Facebook.
4.6 Officers are elected from the Association’s Members by nomination,
4.7 Any Officer may, with the Committee’s approval, appoint a deputy or assistant to help the Officer in carrying out his/her duties. The deputy or assistant need not necessarily be a Member of the Committee.
4.8 The Committee may appoint sub-committees and delegate powers to these on specific matters. The Committee may also delegate powers to its Officers. These appointments and delegations must be agreed, beforehand, by resolution and this agreement must be recorded.
4.9 The Committee may fill any casual vacancy in any Office of the Association and it has the power to invite any person to attend meetings in an advisory capacity.
4.10 All Officers and Committee Members are elected annually at AGM but they may offer themselves for re-election for a further 1-year term.
5.0 President
5.1 Committee may bestow this title, upon the longest-serving Committee Member (past or present) in recognition of service and loyalty to the Association.
6.0 Committee
6.1 The Committee is responsible for managing and carrying out the Association’s day to day business.
6.2 The Officers at 4.1 to4.10 above together with up to 5 appointed Members (see 6.3 below)make up the Committee. The Committee may, at its discretion, appoint a further 2 Members to serve on the Committee
6.3 Up to Ten Members are elected at Annual General Meeting to serve on the Committee.
6.4 A simple majority carries motions of the Committee and the chairman has a casting vote only.
6.5 Wherever possible the Chairman takes the chair at all meetings of the Association and of the Committee.
6.6 The Committee meets at such places and times that they decide.
7.0 Annual General Meeting (“AGM”)
7.1 The AGM is held in October or November of each year at a time and place fixed by the Committee.
7.2 Members are informed either by letter, email or notice on the Association’s web site giving details of the time and place and setting out the matters to be discussed and dealt with at the AGM.
7.2.1 The business at the AGM includes: receiving the Committee’s Annual Reportelecting the Officers and Committee Members receiving the annual account appointing an auditor or other check of the Association’s accounts receiving resolutions from the Committee and from Members
7.3 A Member may table a resolution to the AGM by submitting this by letter or email to a Committee member at least 28 days before the date of the AGM.
8.0 Special General Meeting
8.1 The Committee may call a Special General Meeting at any time.
8.2 The Members may request that a Special General Meeting be held provided they do so by written or email application to a Committee member signed by at least 20 Members. The application should clearly state the object for which the Special General Meeting is being called.
8.3 The Rules at 7.1 and 7.2 above (time, place, notice to Members, agenda etc.) apply, with suitable modification, to Special General Meetings called under Rules 8.1 and 8.2.
9.0 Other Rules for Meetings
9.1 Quorum
9.1.1 The quorum for an Annual General Meeting and for a Special General Meeting is the lesser of one third of the Association’s Members present (of all categories) or 5 Members.
9 1.2 The quorum for a Committee Meeting is 4.
9.2 Voting
9.2.1 Each Member present at an Annual or Special General Meeting is entitled to one vote. Except for the situations set out at 9.2.2 to 9.2.4 below, voting at all meetings is by show of hands requiring a simple majority and with the Chairman having a casting vote in the event of a tie.
9.2.2 When the number of candidates for election as Officers and/or as Committee Members exceeds the number required then the election is held by ballot.
9.2.3 When the number of candidates for election as Officers and/or as Committee Members is equal to or less than the number required the candidates will be deemed to be elected if a majority of the Members present vote in favour by show of hands. Otherwise the election is held by ballot.
9.2.4 Termination of Membership is decided by ballot.
9.2.5 Each affiliated club member and each Corporate member is entitled to one vote through its nominated representative.
10.0 Alterations to the Rules
10.1 No alteration or amendment to the Association’s rules may be made unless approved by amajority of the Committee
10.2 A Member may move an alteration or amendment to the Association’s rules by written or email notice delivered to a Committee member at least 28 days before the meeting and by delivering details of the amendments or alterations at least 7 days before the meeting.
11.0 Interpretation of the Rules
11.1 The Committee’s decision is final and binding on all Members.
12.0 Financial year
12.1 The Association’s financial year ends on 31 December each year.
13.0 Membership year
13.1 The membership year follows the Association’s financial year (1 January to 31 December).
14.0 Use of the Association’s funds and other assets
14.1 Subject to Rules 14.4 and 14.5 below the Association’s money and other assets may only be applied for purposes authorised by the Committee. If applied to purposes other than the Association’s they may only be applied to charitable or benevolent purposes.
14.2 Membership of the Association must not be used to further business interests.
14.3 Subject to Rules 14.4 and 14.5 below, in the event that the Association ceases to exist (by voluntary winding up, by other resolution, or by other means) then the Association’s debts will be paid in full, its saleable assets will be sold at arms length, and the full balance of its monies and all other assets remaining after clearing all lawful debts will be given to one (or shared between more than one) boating charities as directed by the majority of members voting at the appropriate AGM or SGM. The Association’s auditor or other checks at that time will certify that the final closing statement is complete and correct.
14.4 Subject to Rule 14.5 below in the event that the Association enters into any agreement or arrangement under which it merges with, takes over, is taken over by, or otherwise transfers or merges its activities to/with a similar boating organisation then the whole of its monies and assets will, after clearing all its lawful debts, be transferred to the resultant successor body. The Association’s auditor at that time will certify that the final closing statement is complete and correct.
14.5 No action to merge, transfer, terminate or otherwise cause the Association to cease to exist shall be taken unless approved by two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting at Annual General Meeting or at Special General Meeting called for the purpose.